Tooth Scaling
Danoff Dental & Associates, LLP in NYC, two dental offices located in Great Neck and the Little Neck dental office serving Queens and surrounding neighborhoods.
Tartar is plaque that has had time to harden and is that white (sometimes yellow) substance found at the base of the tooth just above the gumline. Tartar is usually not removed with standard brushing and flossing and usually requires coming in to see us for proper and thorough removal.
Tooth scaling is a service that involves using a tool that is specifically designed to break-apart and remove tartar. We gently run the tooth scaling tool along the front and back surfaces of teeth that have any signs of tartar which effectively cleans the gumline and smooths the tooth enamel. Every time you come in for a dental checkup, tooth scaling is performed to help prevent future dental problems such as cavities and gum disease.
We provide our patients with the luxury of Ultrasonic Scaling. It is more comfortable for patients and allows for the scaling process to be completed faster than having to 'scrape' tooth surfaces like the conventional scaling process.
Sometimes, tartar can find its way below the gumline and attach itself to tooth roots. This can lead to tooth sensitivity and more serious issues such as periodontitis and gums that detach from the tooth and recede. When this happens, we will need to perform a deep clean (also known as root planing) that involves ridding tartar from your tooth roots and smoothing the rough root surfaces to allow gums to re-attach themselves.
Our office provides smile makeovers to achieve the beautiful, natural look you seek. We can reshape your natural teeth to make them straighter or more youthful in appeal. Our offices is easily accessible and makes it convenient to those living near Little Neck, Queens to get the care they deserve.
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For General Dentistry call our Queens office at (718) 229-4933
For Orthodontics call our Great Neck office at (516) 773-4133